To become a yoyo player, first step is choosing your yoyo. But choosing your yoyo may be harder than it seems. There are hundreds of yoyos which differ in size, level, material, color, and brand.
Choose yoyo by your level
The most important thing when selecting a modern yo-yo is your skill level.
Beginners should always start with responsive yo-yo (yoyo that spins at the end of a string but returns with a simple tug of player’s hand). Responsive yoyos are easier to control and they are perfect for learning basic yo-yo tricks.
Advanced players prefer unresponsive yo-yos (yoyos that spin at the of a string on a ball bearing but do not return with a simple tug of player’s hand). Unresponsive yoyos spin longer and they are able to perform difficult yoyo tricks and long combos.
Material, brand, size and other factors depends on player’s individual preferences.
So how to choose a yoyo when there is so many options? We know, it can be overwhelming in choosing the right one. But do not worry! We’ve made it easy for you and have designed one Skill Addicts Yoyo that can take you through all the tricks of modern yoyoing.
Why Choose Skill Addicts Yoyo?
It is all in one modern yo-yo. Once you unpack your Skill Addicts Yoyo, it will come with a responsive setup which is perfect for learning all the basic tricks. Responsive means it will spin on a ball bearing at the end of the string, but will come back automatically back to your hand with a tug. You can upgrade it to an advanced unresponsive yoyo for more difficult tricks. For advanced unresponsive setup simply switch to pro ball bearing, which comes with every Skill Addicts Yoyo. The Skill Addicts Yoyo also comes with extra yoyo strings and set of cool yoyo stickers.
So you are all set to get on your yo-yo journey!
Learn Yoyo Tricks With Free Online App
We recommend learning yo-yo tricks with Skill Addicts free learning app. You can get it at App Store or Google Play.
- video tutorials created by pro players
- rewards and level system
- feedback from other yoyo players
- easy to follow learning system
- over 1000 yoyo tricks
- joining the yo-yo community