How it Works?

Discover the benefits of the Skill Addicts app

Exclusive tutorials made by the pros

Get access to exclusive Skill Addicts trick tutorials created by the top players.

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free online learning app game

Learn by playing step-by-step

Our learning ladder will guide you step by step on your learning journey. The game-like experience makes it easy and fun!

Unique learning system – get instant help

Upload a trick video and get it approved by other players. Get tips and help from other users.

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free online learning app game

Collect points and get real rewards

Learn tricks and earn Pills – the game points. Exchange Pills for real-life products in our Skill Addicts store.

Learn with other players – join the community

Skill Addicts brings together people with passion for learning skills, no matter who they are or where they come from.

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free online learning app game

Get on top in leaderboards and become #1

Climb to the top of the leaderboards, master all the tricks and compete with players from all over the world.
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