Stop and Go Video Tutorial
- Learn Stop and Go yo-yo trick from pro yoyo player Ann Bubak
- Pull yoyo up close to your non throw hand
- For “GO” keep your non throw hand up and pull down with your throw hand only
Most Common Mistakes
- Moving hands after you catch yoyo with both of your hands
- Restarting the yoyo with both of your hands
Stop and Go Steps
- The throw
- Start with strong Sleeper.
- Against the string
- You’ll start the same as Elevator, but you’ll place the yoyo against the middle of the string.
- Hands together
- Then move your throw hand underneath and around the yoyo. You’ll place your throw hand under your non-throw hand.
- Tug up and hold
- From here, you’ll tug up, catch, and hold the yoyo in your hands.
- Release
- Keep your non-throw hand still and then you’ll pull your throw hand down. The yoyo will release. The more power and the quicker you pull your hand down, the faster it will spin.
- Unfold and catch
- You’ll unfold your non-throw hand, then tug the yoyo back up and catch it underhand.
Reccomended Yoyo
If you are looking for great overall yoyo to learn modern yoyo tricks with, we recommend the SA Yo-Yo by Skill Addicts.
Best Way To Learn Yoyo Tricks
We recommend learning yo-yo tricks with Skill Addicts learning app. You can get it at App Store or Google Play for free.
- video tutorials created by pro players
- rewards and level system
- feedback from other yoyo players
- easy to follow learning system
- over 1000 yoyo tricks
- joining the yo-yo community