
Classic vs. Modern Yoyos

Classic vs. Modern Yoyos

Classic vs. Modern Yoyos

classic vs. modern yoyo
What is the difference between classic and modern yoyos? One is a traditional toy, the other one is professional sport equipment.

Traditional Toy

Classic yoyo is a toy that majority of people know, it usually only goes up and down. It cannot spin at the end of the string, therefore it can perform only very few basic tricks. These yoyos are typically made of wood or plastic and have a fixed axle, no ball bearing. Classic yoyos are also generally smaller and lighter than modern yoyos. They are designed to be played with in a more traditional style. Classic yo-yos usually have traditional “imperial” shape.

classic yoyo

Modern Yoyos

Modern yoyo on the other hand is a skill toy or sport equipment. These yoyos are typically made of high-quality metals or plastics and have ball bearings in the axle. Ball bearings allow for long spin times and more complex tricks. Modern yoyos are usually larger and heavier than classic yoyos. They are designed to be played with in a more modern, freestyle style. Modern yoyos are used for tricks that involve complex string slacks, whips, grinds, hops and other yoyo trick elements. Modern yo-yos usually have “butterfly” shape.

modern yoyo

Looking For Your First Yoyo?

We recommend SA Yo-Yo!

SA Yoyo is all in one modern yo-yo. It will take you from very beginner to pro player. SA Yoyo is reliable, easy to use, fun to play and price affordable. You do not have to worry about breaking this yoyo. It has body made out of solid high quality plastic. SA Yo-Yo also features precisely machined aluminium center to reach smooth and long spin times. Packaging includes everything you need to become a player: 1 yoyo, 2 ball-bearings, 5 pieces of spare strings, set of cool yoyo stickers and access to SkillAddicts learning yo-yo app. Great choice to start your yo-yo journey!

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